Creative Incubator: Sept - Oct 2019

Creative Incubator: Sept - Oct 2019


Welcome to the Creative Incubator, a 6-week intensive workshop designed to help advanced writers elevate, organize and add to their already existing bodies of work (essays, excerpts of a potential memoir, bits of a one-woman show, graphic novel, novel, etc) with the goal of creating one long-form piece to live outside the classroom walls. This course is recommended for advanced or returning Brooklyn Writers Collective students who have already created at least fifty plus pages or more of solid writing and are comfortable with their narrative voice + experimenting with storytelling. This course offers a looser format based on each writer's needs, and depending on where the student is in their process. Depending on the individual, the workshop might also focus on publishing, performance, podcasting, book proposals and more. Syllabus includes magazine excerpts, The Moth, Ted talks, one-woman shows and more.

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